
Yes, it’s true, you can get paid to book hotels for other people.

I am actively expanding my referral team and would be delighted to refer you so you can apply.

Please scroll through for FAQ.

For more questions or to send your referral info (name, email, phone), please email:
info (at)

You can also DM at Facebook:

Thank you!


100% commission only.

Some people like that, some people don’t, but that’s the gig.


Every week, like clockwork, never any issues with timely payment.


Absolutely flexible schedule – no need to schedule in advance or even at all.

When you want to work, log on, there are calls right now.

When you want to stop working, log off, and that’s it.



USA-based agents


Inbound calls only, no Outbound.

First, calls from potential hotel guests are routed to you via online softphone.

Then, you either 1) book a room for them (sales) or 2) politely ease them off the phone (if they don’t want to book) so you can take another call and hopefully the next person will book.

Conversion goal is 20%, which is very achievable after some practice and experience.


This opportunity is NOT for a “job” as an “Employee”.

This opportunity is you establishing your own business as an independent contractor and the skilled service you will provide is “sales”. You may think of it as similar to carpenters or welders or other contractor trades – you are the “independent contractor”, and the service you’ll provide to the “client” is booking hotels over the phone/internet for their customers.


  • high-speed internet (hardwired preferred, but strong WiFi may work)
  • smart phone
  • headset (USB, not wireless)
  • silent environment while taking calls (no kids, dogs, TV, etc., in the background)
  • All work is done in the Chrome browser
  • Computer (desktop or laptop, but not tablet)

System requirements may change depending on when you sign up, but at the moment, they are taking Windows 10 and up. Any reasonably new PC (non-Apple) computer or laptop will likely be fine.

Almost any USB  headset is good enough to start with (not wireless) – my first one cost about $20 and I used it for two years.

  • All browser based (Chrome only)
  • No “secure environment” to hassle with
  • No complicated software to deal with
  • Quick and easy to get set up and start working


Fast training – about 1-hour basic training video and then some additional short topic videos, total about 2 hours, do it all completely on your own time and schedule.

Easy to learn – it is purely and only booking hotels. There is nothing else . . . no flights, no rental cars, no events, no membership programs, no account management, no keeping track of anything, nothing else. There is a little bit of a learning curve, like with any new gig, but it’s not very steep and you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

Agent support is great! Very professional and polite!


If you would be so kind as to allow me to refer you, I would appreciate it! Referrals are good for me and do not affect your earnings in any way.

Please understand that I am NOT able to guarantee you will be accepted by the client.

This is the only info needed:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Cell Phone number

Please send me the exact same info that you will use when you register your account and submit your application.
(so you can be connected as referred).

Email Your Info To: 
info (at)

As soon as I hear from you, I will send in your referral info right away, usually the same day.

Application process is fairly quick, you will probably complete the whole process within 1-2 weeks and find out one way or another.

Hotel Planner has been working great for me so far for almost 3 years. I would definitely recommend anyone give it a good, consistent try for a few months to see how it goes and if it is a good fit for you.


  1. Please send me the exact same info you would use for the application (name, phone, email).
  2. I’ll send in your referral request right away, usually same day.
  3. You’ll receive an automated application email that explains how to apply (remember to check your spam/junk folder).
  4. You follow the steps listed in the email to send in your audio application. You’ll record it right on your phone, and you can re-record until you get it just how you want it before you send it in.

    If you have call center experience or sales experience, especially sales-on-the-phone, be sure to highlight that (also mention if you are multilingual, and what languages).
  5. Remember, they want to hear how you would sound on the phone with customers – speak naturally, but also be professional, clear, and persuasive about why they should pick you over other applicants.
  6. Submit your application and wait to hear back, it usually only takes about 2 weeks or sometimes less.

Best wishes for a bright future ahead!
~ Elizabeth
info (at)